Brooklyn Based Filmmaker


  • Color Correcting for Video: A Starter Guide

    This post was originally published to the Kitsplit Viewfinder Blog. Color correcting has an incredible power to give films a polished, cinematic look. The difference between a cool, blue-ish tone of a film vs. a classic, grainy film aesthetic can really set the tone, and help you tell your story. But color correction can be…

  • How to Edit Video: A Guide for Beginners

    This post was originally published to KitSplit’s Viewfinder Blog. Whether you’re just getting started as a videographer, or you’re a seasoned filmmaker looking to add editing to your skillset, video editing has never been more accessible. Still, learning how to edit video can be daunting. Video editing, like so many skills in filmmaking, requires a…

  • 2018: Meme, Rubber Ducky, and It’s Normal

    2018: Meme, Rubber Ducky, and It’s Normal

    It has been a minute since I’ve updated this site. Between keeping Meme and 4MileCircus up to date I tend to forget to keep this one up. So, here is a quick look at my three projects for 2018.  Meme Meme is, of course, the biggest project on my plate for 2018 as it is…