Tag: finalist

  • Catastrophe a 2010 StoryPros Awards Finalist

    I am pleased to share that my feature screenplay Catastrophe made it to the Finalist round of the 3rd Annual StoryPros Awards Screenplay Contest. Catastrophe‘s logline is: “In a world of superheroes and supervillains an unsuccessful disaster insurance salesman becomes a supervillain to save his job.”

    I started writing Catastrophe just over a year ago for my Feature Screenwriting class at the New York Film Academy. This spring, after many revisions, I entered the screenplay in several contests. I’m very excited that the script made it as far as the Finalist stage of the StoryPros contest. The story is a mix of action and dark comedy and one of my New York Film Academy instructors favorably referred to it as an indie comedy colliding with a summer blockbuster.

    The logline for Catastrophe and other feature and television scripts I have available or am in the process of revising are available to view on my Loglines page in the Screenwriting section.